
Hi! Obviously, I’m Samuel.

But that probably doesn’t mean much to you right now; I’m just another in the millions of wannabe notable bloggers out there in the world, I don’t have a gimmick or a hook – I’m just me, just Samuel. I probably won’t ever draw crowds but I’m still me, and I’m unique with my own voice. So, as I’m able, I’ll write my thoughts and opinions here on a variety of topics as they pique my interest. But with my Bipolar 1 and Anxiety you’ll likely see long spaces of time between each post.

My hobbies and interests fluctuate pretty wildly and I tend to hop from one topic to another in my daily life, so my Blog page will pretty much do the same thing – but I’ll make sure that a few basic categories are easy to follow, specifically: Fun, Politics, Philosophy and Religion, LGBT+, History, and Nature. 

  • Fun” will probably hold most of my posts to be honest since talking about heavy topics like Politics or Religion are pretty exhausting; I tend to play Guild Wars 2 quite a lot but sometimes I might theorize about a movie or TV show, or sometimes I’ll comment on other people’s theories so expect a lot of that from the “Fun” blog category!
  • Nature” will be fairly interesting for me to write on too since I have a sorority aquarium with 5 female Betta fish, so I might write about them or the lessons I’ve learned from caring for fish. If I ever get my butt moving and start gardening like I’ve planned to do for several years now (shrug) I’ll put some of green thumb to work writing about it too – but that’s a maybe at this point lol.
  • History” – especially ancient history… whether it’s dinosaurs, or other pre-historic beasts, or an exploration of ancient civilizations like Egypt or Sumer – I’ve never really written about the details that most fascinated me so I’m excited to give this category a shot. I hope it works out well!
  • Politics and Society” and “Philosophy and Religion” don’t really need that much of an introduction but for those curious about my background I’ll say this: I was raised in the Mormon Church but am no longer a part of it (and I oppose many of the Church’s positions and actions) though I may still refer to certain moral lessons that I still appreciate from LDS scriptures. Additionally, growing up my I always described myself as an Independent with Conservative leanings but now you’ll see that I’m proud to be Anti-Trump and a Progressive.
  • LGBT+” will be a fun page for me – some of those articles will be focused on LGBT+ rights or similar moral issues, it’s likely that these articles will have some overlap with “Philosophy and Religion” or “Politics” – in which case you’ll see the article in multiple categories across my blog-site. But, I’ll also have a lot of fun with this category too.

I also do a lot of Genealogy and have researched nearly a thousand ancestors going back even as far as the mid 1500’s. I really enjoy doing this so I decided that I would try blogging about the information I’ve learned about my ancestors and their lives. Since I’ve already started establishing individual blog-sites for each of my family lines I decided to use a drop down menu here at “Uniquely Samuel” to link to each separate genealogy site I operate. If you have any questions about family history work or need any advice on doing your own just ask!

Also, if you click the the Genealogy tab itself in the site menu you’ll find a page giving a summary of some of my family names, past research experience and more.

I’ve also run a blog called “Guy Choices” with a few different iterations over the years. This blog takes a look at select really hot guys and will feature both pictures and writing about why I think they’re hot or taking some inspirational lesson from their lives, roles, or even pictures. I will include underwear modeling in my pictures but never full nudity – this isn’t that kind of site. Right now you can find “Guy Choices” in the site menu which will take you to an older and separate blog where you can take a look at any of the guys I’ve chosen.

Over the years I’ve had different blogs at different times, usually switching when I felt like I needed a new project or simply a better setup or design. But even though I don’t use those blogs anymore I still keep them around, privately, since my old writings are still stored there. To make “Uniquely Samuel” work as a central focal point for all my projects I’ll sometimes copy and paste from my old blog posts into this site, kind of like a Throw Back Thursday type gig. But I’ll always identify when the article was originally written and if I made any edits when reposting.

Another thing I need to explain is that my writing schedule will not always be consistent. I have a really hard time with my mental health, suffering from Bipolar Type 1, severe Cyclical Depression, and Anxiety, plus other issues. It isn’t unusual for me to disappear for months without writing anything because I’ve completely crashed and can barely function as a person – I do what I can to limit the negative effects I go through but I can’t stop it all. There may times when I decide to write about what I go through emotionally and mentally – especially when it comes to suicide prevention and depression – and those articles will most likely be categorized under “Philosophy and Religion”, or maybe “LGBT+” sometimes as well.

  • Trying to maintain a blog while suffering from Bipolar and cyclical depression isn’t easy – on me or on my attempts to build a brand. Keeping a regular schedule is one of the first things one usually reads about when looking for blogging tips, and it sucks that I can’t reliably keep up with an “every Monday at 4 pm” article publication. At times I’ve considered not blogging at all since I can’t quite do it right enough to gain an audience, but I’m too opinionated (and a bit of a windbag lol) to not maintain a platform for mouthing off – even if it’s irregular and kind of pointless haha. So, I’ve decided to keep trudging along writing for myself and just be happy if anyone pays attention every once in a while.

The “Evolution of the Logo” has taken several years to fully materialize with the four primary logos featured below, from oldest (top) to most recent (bottom). Each of the logos has symbolism heavily built into their designs that each try to represent the majority of my personality traits and interests. One of my favorite animals is the Swan, both for its well known grace as well as its lesser known ferocity. The Dragon too is one of my favorite mythological creatures (and my honestly obtained Harry Potter Patronus) due to its strength and its grand persona. The pink lavender you see in the oldest two logos represent my homosexuality since historically it has been one of the symbols of Gay identity. The stars you see in the later two logos form the constellation of Libra, which is my birth sign. Lastly, the tree growing out of a sword represents the fact that sometimes you need to fight (either with your surroundings or within yourself) in order to grow and mature. In my latest logo update I imagine I’ve confused a lot of people lol. The Swan with a long tail is actually a fantasy creature I created years ago called a “Swandrake”, which is exactly what it sounds like: a Swan type Dragon. The meaning to this creature can go really in depth but for here I’ll just say that the Swandrake represents the ultimate fusion of grace and power in a unique whole. It is what I aspire to be.

I hope you enjoy coming to “Uniquely Samuel“.



p.s. Oh yeah! I have a store page too, where I sell some of my artwork – so far it’s just flower photos I’ve taken turned into wall art, but the store will grow over time. Hint hint 😉